Data Processing

Our data processing team guarantees to protect your data and keep it safe and confidential. We securely format, integrate and manage your data so that it works with our systems, with safeguards built in ensure confidentiality.

Chances are, your data is formatted to your own in-house specifications. That’s not a problem. We can collate and reformat the information from your source material, so that your printed personalised cards and any accompanying mailings are created exactly as you hope.

What’s more, anything from a sequential number range to barcode and magnetic strip encoding can often be produced without the need for any data from you at all.

The data files you do send us are prepared, sorted and converted by our IT department. This applies to one-off print-on-demand jobs, as well as repeat print runs. You’ll send us your customer data for new and reissued cards, any personalised elements, and along with associated marketing materials and envelopes, via email or FTP transfer to our secure client data system. This can be scheduled at whatever frequency suits your needs.

As soon as we receive your data, we consider it instruction to proceed, and our team starts work on bringing your next marketing campaign or card mailing to life.

To find out more about how we protect and handle your customer data, just give our team a call. We’d be delighted to show you how easy it really is.

Just a few of our satisfied clients

AA Logo; aa; membership cards; personalisation; mailing; fulfilment;
TATE logo; tate; intercard; membership cards; personalisation; mailing; fulfilment;
Stoke on Trent Logo; intercard; plastic cards; eco-friendly cards; payment cards; personalisation;

See how we can help with your plastic cards

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